Statistics of the HAEdb
This page is generated by the database engine, which means that the numbers represent the actual data.
Current version: 2005.2.0.
(evolution of the database)
Last entry submitted: 2018-06-06
Number of entries by mutation type: Number of micro mutations: 257 Number of gross mutations: 45
Distribution of the mutations by the owners: admin: 68 AllergyLab-FMRP: 1 drouet_lab: 3 MedGenetics-lab: 9 Rijavec-Golnik: 9 sevilla_lab: 4 tordai-lab: 17 tosi-lab: 55 trascasa-lab: 44 Wuerzburg: 92
Number of laboratories contributed: 13
Number of e-mail adresses in the maillist: 51